Beyond the intelligence of the mind we include the wisdom of the body.
What to expect.
In my own way of coaching, which goes deeper and further then a ‘normal’ coaching, I combine several different methods. We go beyond just the intelligence of your mind, but also include the innate wisdom of your body and the profound knowledge of your heart and soul. It allows you to truly connect with the intuition, power and creative inspiration within you. You will feel that you are able to go beyond blocked energy that stands in the way of your dreams and goals. The sessions you can choose from are each one part of a a holistic journey to the center of your being. You can feel within yourself which session suits best in this moment, and in which area you need support. Restoring Balance session Helps you to return to your natural balance in these times of constant change in which we find ourselves now. I will help you to regain stability with powerful methods and I give space to all the new aspects within yourself that want to come forward. You will take away new energy and a combination of exercises that will help you to stay connected with a sense of freedom, peace and love within yourself. Short session of 1 hour – € 95 Inner Connection Session I guide you to experience the deepest and wisest part of who you truly are and what your soul really longs for. When in touch with this deep wisdom, you can open the doors to new and creative energy. Session of 2 hours - €179 Work & Life purpose session When you feel that you are stuck in your work and business, the Creativity, Work and Life purpose session can help you make creative choices that really suit you. We work from the inside out, meaning we work form the intention that comes from deep within your heart and soul. This is where your inspiration, passion, authenticity and life purpose reside. Session of 2,5 hours – €229
Stationsweg 19, Den Bosch, Nederland

'We like to make it personal and really know the people we work with. Cause we believe that sharing from personal experience is very powerful.'
Cora van Ingen - founder CONG